
cisco video conferencing room design best practices

Schedule unlisted meetings

To enhance meeting security settings, hosts can opt not to list the meeting on the meeting calendar. For an unlisted meeting, go to the Schedule page, select Show advanced options, select Scheduling options and uncheck Listed on public calendar. This setting helps prevent unauthorized access and hides meeting information, such as the host, topic, and starting time.

Choose a level of security based on the meeting purpose. For example, if you schedule a meeting to discuss your company picnic, you can set only a password for the meeting. If you plan to discuss sensitive information, such as financial data, you may not want to list the meeting on the meeting calendar. You may also choose to restrict access to the meeting after all attendees have joined.

  • Unlisted meetings don't appear in the meeting calendar on the Search Meetings page or on your My Meetings page.

  • To join an unlisted meeting, attendees must provide a unique meeting number.

  • Unlisted meetings require the host to inform the meeting attendees. Hosts can send a link in an email invitation, or they can enter the meeting number using the Join Meetings page.

Listing a meeting reveals meeting titles and meeting information publicly. If a meeting isn't password protected, anyone can join it.

Choose the meeting topic carefully

A listed meeting or a forwarded invitation email could, at a minimum, reveal the meeting titles to unintended audiences. Meeting titles can unintentionally reveal private information. To minimize exposure of sensitive data, such as company names or events, carefully word meeting titles.

Exclude the meeting password from the invitations

For highly sensitive meetings, events, or training sessions, exclude the password from the invitation email. This measure prevents unauthorized access to meeting details if the invitation email message is forwarded to an unintended recipient.

If you check Exclude password from email invitation when you schedule a meeting, event, or training session, the password doesn't appear in the invitation. Provide the password to attendees by another means, such as by phone.

Events (new) doesn't support this feature.

Prevent guests from joining unlocked meetings

When this setting is enabled, all attendees must have a user account on your site and be signed in to attend the meeting. Attendees who join by phone without an Attendee ID automatically get placed in the lobby. For information about how attendees can obtain a user account, ask your site administrator.

To enable this setting, when you schedule a meeting, go to , and under Unlocked meetings, select Guests can't join the meeting.

Require invitees to register for your meeting, event, or training session

You can require your invitees to register for your meeting, event, or training session before they join. This lets you secure meeting information and track and gather information on the invitees who plan to attend your meeting, event, or training session.

This feature is enabled during scheduling. To enable this setting in Webex Meetings and Events (new), go to , and under Registration select Require attendee registration.

To enable this setting in Events (classic) and Webex Training, when you schedule an event or training session, under Registration select Require attendee registration..

Use entry or exit tone or announce name feature

Using this feature prevents someone from joining the audio portion of your meeting without your knowledge. This feature is enabled by default for Webex Meetings and Webex Training. You can go to , and in the Entry and exit tone section, select a tone option from the drop-down list.

While scheduling your meeting, event, or training session, go to , and in the Entry and exit tone section, select a tone option from the drop-down list.

When using the Webex audio option, if you select the announce name feature, attendees joining using the Use computer for audio option don't get the option to record and announce their name.

Restrict available features

Limit the available features, such as chat and audio, if you allow attendees to join the meeting, event, or training session before the host.

Request that invitees not forward invitations

Request that your invitees do not forward the invitation further, especially for confidential meetings.

Assign a cohost or an alternate host

Assign a cohost to start and control the meeting, event, or training session (alternate host). This practice keeps meetings, events, and training sessions more secure by eliminating the possibility that the host role is assigned to an unexpected, or unauthorized, attendee, in case you inadvertently lose your connection to the meeting.

When inviting attendees to a scheduled meeting, you can designate one or more attendees as cohosts for the meeting. A cohost can start the meeting and act as the host. Thus, a cohost must have a user account on your Webex Meetings website. You can assign a cohost when scheduling your meeting with the Webex Meetings integration to Microsoft Outlook.

cisco video conferencing room design best practices


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