
How To Fix Camera Stutter On Heroes And Generals

Wolf wrote:You are playing on 4:iii monitor?

Dont overclock ram, thats pretty much useless and will only add instability if washed incorrect.

AA affects performance, but every bit yous have 970, and so obviously its not a problem, but people with weak GPUs will endure a lot.

I also dont believe that "Maximum pre rendered frames" helped me any time, just I didn't exam it in coh, then mayhap effort ONLY this.

Do not use CCleaner, only if yous know what you lot are doing, only dont use its registry tool at all if youre Win7 or higher.

I pretty much agree with - accept good CPU, take high CPU clock, have a expert GPU, take 8+GB RAM, use SSD if you can.
Operation varies too with map, AI, opponent numbers.
Likewise if yous check before running coh, that your CPU is pretty much idling on low freq with 0-ten% used, that is fine and yous dont need to shut down anything or practice whatever shamanic rituals with then called optimizers etc. As well don't use shitty antiviruses.

Yea i like the square 4:iii monitor better at least for work just a wide monitor would probably assist out in games since i tin can see more than stuff. The old monitor could crusade my lag, i thought about it and i tried my brother's wide monitor and the lag is still there

Yep about RAM you are right, you have to have good motherboard and skilful ram to exist able to have a stable OC. I mentioned peradventure someone with good mobo and ram can oc information technology more and tell united states if he saw any departure, i didnt. Perchance i fabricated a mistake suggestion RAM OC, people might go it wrong thinking that ALL the tweaks are needed in order to get 60fps gameplay, no, every proposition is optional.

I only showed what setting I Utilise, i didn't recommended my settings to everyone because just these settings will give you a lag gratuitous experience. Of grade people with weak GPUs will have to tweak their ain settings until they observe the sweet spot, the best quality/performance ratio.

I tried to record with fraps the difference for me with Maximum pre rendered frames off vs set to 1 but fraps seems to not catch the stutter, maybe i will attempt with other rec software. For me it makes a HUGE divergence, it's very choppy even from the offset of the game with no units on the field.

I don't know what you come across wrong with ccleaner, it'due south ane of the about popular cleaning tools out there, i don't stress on ccleaner as being a must, i just gave an example of a cleaning tool, you can use whatever tool you want, the point was to have a CLEAN computer equally after fresh windows install, and for people who don't know how to reinstall windows or don't desire to, these cleaning software might assist.

"I pretty much agree with - have good CPU, accept high CPU clock, accept a good GPU, have 8+GB RAM, apply SSD if y'all can." You say it like my entire postal service was: "only if you have good CPU, have loftier CPU clock, take a expert GPU, have eight+GB RAM, and SSD yous volition exist able to play the mod lag free." As i told in the thread, fifty-fifty with my powerful new shiny pc i notwithstanding had lag, the biggest lag killers were the ""Maximum pre rendered frames" option set to one, Razer cortex and CPU overclock. As i said some of these tweaks wont work for everybody but for those who accept the right conditions (overclockable CPU and Nvidia GPU or at least one condition or even none, for people with a not overclockable CPU and an AMD bill of fare, they tin can use Razer Cortex and information technology's STILL SOMETHING), they MIGHT get a do good. Everybody's config is different, i just posted what helped ME, if people want to try these tweaks or not it's up to them.

"Operation varies also with map, AI, opponent numbers." Yes i agree with your indicate, what my mail service is about is that i managed to DECREASE the lag for all the situations, map, AI and opponent numbers. Equally i said vs AI i still take lag, 4v4s still struggle, huge maps no 1 plays in serious pvp's because we all know they lag.

"Too if yous check before running coh, that your CPU is pretty much idling on depression freq with 0-10% used, that is fine and you dont need to shut down anything or do any shamanic rituals with so called optimizers etc." I go your point, my CPU is powerful enough to play bk without any "shamanic rituals" only that's not my instance, as i said these "shamanic rituals" fabricated my game from unplayable to buttery shine. I volition try to make tomorrow a video with no tweaks vs one with all the tweaks.

Nearly antiviruses, i said i don't even use i, i simply said information technology for people who use to temporary close them while playing or use functions like avast has, game manner i call up information technology was called.

"so perhaps endeavour Only this." You lot say this like my other suggestions are harmful, i don't get it, im trying to help people here, im non selling stuff, im not advertising Razer Cortex, if i would advertise it i would mail service a link towards it (if they had an advertising link), i merely said google it and attempt information technology for yourself.

I understand your skepticism, it could exist because of my personality which makes me look like a sales human, (like Saul Goodman :D, that's why my username is Saul, i beloved that testify, it's my favorite), i joke a lot in the thread, i praise BK similar no one which is true, whether you believe it or not BK it'south the only game i like the most. Other games that i like are Medal of Honor Airborne, Kane and Lynch two and GTA Four. Why? Because they are realistic games, i love realistic games, i hate games similar lol or cs go, most pop games in the globe today. Medal of Honor Airborne and GTA Iv uses a physics engine, aforementioned with CoH. I hate CoH ii, why? considering it'due south a cartoonish unrealistic piece of crap. They tin't even brand rain right, you tin can't tell if information technology'south raining or snowing, plus there is no mud effect like in CoH one.


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