


Panel: Photographic camera ‣ Lens



Focal Length/Field of View
Control the field of view set by lens belongings or by angle equally selected in the Lens Unit carte.



Dolly Zoom

While the camera is moving towards an object the Focal Length property tin can be decreased to produce a Dolly Zoom photographic camera outcome, or vice versa.

This video demos the Dolly Zoom camera effect.


Controls the size of objects projected on the epitome.



Cycles supports Equirectangular and Fisheye panoramic cameras. Notation that these cannot exist displayed with OpenGL rendering in the viewport; they will only work for rendering.


Return a panoramic view of the scenes from the photographic camera location and use an equirectangular projection, always rendering the total 360° over the 10 centrality and 180° over the Y axis.

This projection is compatible with the environment texture as used for earth shaders, so information technology can exist used to return an surround map. To match the default mapping, gear up the photographic camera object rotation to (90, 0, -90) or pointing forth the positive X centrality. This corresponds to looking at the center of the image using the default environment texture mapping.

Minimum/Maximum Latitude/Longitude
Limits of the vertical and horizontal field of view angles.

Fisheye lenses are typically broad angle lenses with strong distortion, useful for creating panoramic images for e.g. dome project, or equally an artistic effect.

The Fisheye Equisolid lens will best match existent cameras. It provides a lens focal length and field of view angle, and will also take the sensor dimensions into account.

The Fisheye Equidistant lens does not correspond to whatsoever real lens model; information technology will give a round fisheye that does non take any sensor information into account only rather uses the whole sensor. This is a practiced lens for full-dome projections.

Lens focal length in millimeters.
Field of View
Field of view angle, going to 360 and more to capture the whole environment.
Mirror Ball¶

Render is if taking a photo of a reflective mirror ball. This can exist useful in rare cases to compare with a similar photo taken to capture an environs.


Clip Kickoff and Finish
The interval in which objects are directly visible, Any objects exterior this range still influence the epitome indirectly, every bit further low-cal bounces are not clipped.

When Limits in the Display console is enabled, the prune bounds will exist visible as ii yellow connected dots on the camera line of sight.


Changing the clipping value can have a serious bear upon on render operation. It is important to always set the Start and End values to a condom distance that is both not also extreme, nor too minor to have the best possible render times.

Depth of Field¶


Panel: Camera ‣ Depth of Field



Fix an object to be used as a focal point past the photographic camera, causing the photographic camera to focus on the selected object origin.
When a Focus object is not used, the camera tin can be fix to focus on an area in 3D space set by the distance from the camera. Using the Limit Display option, you are able to view the distance in the 3D space.


Loftier Quality
Enables the High Quality viewport depth of field, giving a more accurate representation of depth of field. This allows the viewport depth of field to exist closely represented to that of the render and render preview depth of field.
Viewport depth of field discontinuity measured in F-Stops. Smaller numbers will cause more mistiness in the viewport, OpenGL renders, and Sequencer.
The number of polygonal sides to give blurred objects in the viewport. The minimum number of blades needed to enable the bokeh effect is 3 (triangle). (But bachelor with Loftier Quality).


Aperture type
Use F-Stop or Radius to set up the aperture for the render, and return preview. F-Stop is the focal ratio, where Radius is the radius of the focal point.
Aperture radius size, or F-Stop number used for the render, and render preview. Using the F-Finish with a low number, or Radius with a large size will result in a stiff blur, as well allowing the use of the bokeh effect.
Full number of polygonal blades used to alter the shape of the blurred objects in the return, and return preview. As with the viewport, the minimum amount of blades to enable the bokeh effect is 3, resulting in a triangular-shaped blur.
Rotate the polygonal blades along the facing axis, and will rotate in a clockwise, and counter-clockwise fashion.
Modify the amount of distortion to simulate the anamorphic bokeh outcome. A setting of 1.0 shows no distortion, where a number below 1.0 will crusade a horizontal distortion, and a higher number volition cause a vertical distortion.
