
How To Use A Different Camera On Whatsapp

  1. Cali Pellegrini's Avatar

    Hi! I'm new to this forum and I'd actually like to solve this.

    I have WhatsApp on a Samsung Galaxy S3. I utilise it everyday and I normally send and receive a lot of pictures, and sometimes videos as well.

    The default phone camera names each new file in a YYYYMMDD_hhmmss format and it also creates EXIF data on the pictures. Pictures on WhatsApp are renamed with the format YYYYMMDD-WA0000x and the programme removes ALL EXIF data from the files.

    This is VERY abrasive. I like transferring all pictures from my telephone to my computer from fourth dimension to time, and I want to continue neat folders with files correctly organized by date and time, but sometimes it'south incommunicable.

    It'southward not much of a trouble when I take a moving-picture show with the phone camera app, Not directly inside the WhatsApp app, and then I ship it through WhatsApp, since although WhatsApp does create a no-EXIF, renamed duplicate of that movie, the original photographic camera picture is nonetheless stored in the phone camera folder with its original filename and EXIF information.

    The trouble comes when I am on a WhatsApp conversation and I choose "Send photo" direct from the app. The pictures I accept that way are NOT stored in the telephone camera folder, they're but stored in the WhatsApp image folder, with its abrasive filename format and its lack of EXIF data. Naturally, the same happens to any film or video I receive through WhatsApp, annoying filename and no EXIF data.

    I would like to know how I can solve this situation. The ideal would exist to discover a way for ANY picture I take with the camera, be it from the camera app or WhatsApp or any app, to be stored with its original filename and EXIF data in the phone camera binder; AND a way to automatically rename any film or video I receive on WhatsApp to reflect AT LEAST the time information technology was originally sent to me, if EXIF data for original cosmos date is not available.

    I promise to have made myself clear, and I'm looking forrad to your help!

    Give thanks you guys very much!

    08-09-2013 01:54 PM

  2. GSDer's Avatar

    1. Always use the regular photographic camera app
    2. Contact WhatsApp support ( and ask them to provide the options you lot prefer
    3. Use a dissimilar messenger

    Sent from my rooted, debloated, deodexed Sinclair ZX-80 running CM -0.001 using Tapatalk 2

    08-09-2013 02:06 PM

  3. Cali Pellegrini's Avatar

    Thank you, but I've tried those options, to no avail. WhatsApp can't practice anything near it and using the regular camera app is not a practical option.

    There might be a way, though, to utilise a different photographic camera app with more than options, and to somehow exist able to use that camera app on WhatsApp instead of the stock one. What exercise you think?

    EDIT: I tried a different camera app, but the aforementioned happens

    08-09-2013 02:44 PM

  4. Anne Bradey's Avatar

    Thank you, but I've tried those options, to no avail. WhatsApp can't practice anything near information technology and using the regular camera app is not a practical option.

    There might exist a style, though, to use a different photographic camera app with more options, and to somehow be able to use that photographic camera app on WhatsApp instead of the stock ane. What do you recollect?

    EDIT: I tried a different camera app, but the same happens

    12-15-2013 02:24 PM

  5. Anne Bradey's Avatar

    Hullo Cali - I'g new to any forum, although I oft read them for assistance with specific problems on my Samsung S3.

    I accept exactly the same problem, just with the added drawback that when I saved 150 camera images sent to me past my daughter via WhatsApp during a trip to the Usa, some of the images were overwritten by images taken at a later on date. As a result, some images present in the WhatsApp folder on my S3 are missing when I copy or backup to my PC, and others are duplicated.

    For instance, an paradigm named 20131029-WA000X appears over again on the PC as 20131009-WA000X, and the original image named as 09 October on my phone is missing on the PC - presumably overwritten, although I can't understand why, as the original file names were not the same.

    I'm non very techy, merely would exist grateful for any explanation as to how and why this is happening, and whatever workaround or solution.


    12-xv-2013 02:twoscore PM

  6. GSDer's Avatar

    some of the images were overwritten by images taken at a later appointment

    Welcome to the forums!

    I must be missing something - information technology seems similar in that location are ii possibilities:
    1. Pictures that your daughter took via WhatsApp are saved on your phone using the YYYYMMDD_WA0000x unique postage based on your DAUGHTER'S telephone - no conflict tin occur unless you also happen to be taking WhatsApp pictures on the same date in the aforementioned series.
    2. Pictures that your daughter took via WhatsApp are saved on your telephone using the YYYYMMDD_WA0000x unique postage stamp based on YOUR phone (regardless of what they were named on your daughter'south phone) - again, no conflict can occur because equally yous save each picture it gets a unique stamp.

    I don't see a scenario where pictures taken on our terminate date can overwrite pictures taken on another appointment.

    Sent from my rooted, debloated, deodexed Sinclair ZX-80 running CM 10.two using Tapatalk 4

    12-15-2013 09:54 PM

  7. Kelvin Wan's Avatar

    i'grand having similar issues as Anne with my samsung milky way g2 phone. and i have not transferred whatsoever whatsapp files from/to another phone at all, so there should be no filename conflicts.

    there are photos in my phone which brandish correctly (e.g. 20131201_WA0002.jpg ) in my phone'due south file manager & media browser.... showing the correct photograph when opened on my telephone.

    but when i connect my telephone to my PC via a USB cable, when i admission the aforementioned file on my phone directly (e.m. 20131201_WA0002.jpg), in my PC's window explorer, the content that shows up becomes that of some other file with a like date (east.g. 20131221_WA0002.jpg -- note that it is 20 days later) & that it shows upwards as a partially loaded photograph (e.g. showing half the epitome with residue being corrupt-like).

    then i effort to copy the files from my telephone to my PC's harddisk through the windows explorer, it copies as if information technology is ok with both files copied (20131201_WA0002.jpg & 20131221_WA0002.jpg), simply the content of the 20131201_WA0002.jpg (on my harddisk now) is the same as 20131221_WA0002.jpg (also on my harddisk) --- showing every bit a complete photo (with no corruption in the image). so i don't take the 20131201_WA0002.jpg content anymore. this happens to quite a number of photos & the problematic files are e'er "linked" to another file which is 20 days after (e.grand. 20140105_WA0002.jpg showing up as 20140125_WA0002.jpg)

    would anyone be able to advise what can be the issue here? and if there is whatsoever solution?
    i tried to upload some of the problematic files direct from my phone to google drive & it seems to exist ok --- but there is no way i can cheque every file on my phone vs harddisk to make sure they are consistent.

    appreciate if anyone can help on this.

    01-26-2014 08:56 AM

  8. Peripera's Avatar

    i'g having similar issues as Anne with my samsung milky way g2 phone. and i have non transferred whatsoever whatsapp files from/to another phone at all, so there should be no filename conflicts.

    in that location are photos in my phone which display correctly (e.yard. 20131201_WA0002.jpg ) in my phone's file manager & media browser.... showing the right photo when opened on my telephone.

    but when i connect my phone to my PC via a USB cable, when i access the same file on my phone direct (eastward.g. 20131201_WA0002.jpg), in my PC'due south window explorer, the content that shows up becomes that of some other file with a similar appointment (e.g. 20131221_WA0002.jpg -- annotation that it is 20 days later) & that information technology shows upward every bit a partially loaded photo (e.g. showing one-half the image with rest beingness decadent-like).

    and so i try to re-create the files from my phone to my PC's harddisk through the windows explorer, it copies as if it is ok with both files copied (20131201_WA0002.jpg & 20131221_WA0002.jpg), simply the content of the 20131201_WA0002.jpg (on my harddisk now) is the same every bit 20131221_WA0002.jpg (also on my harddisk) --- showing every bit a complete photo (with no abuse in the image). so i don't have the 20131201_WA0002.jpg content anymore. this happens to quite a number of photos & the problematic files are always "linked" to some other file which is 20 days after (e.grand. 20140105_WA0002.jpg showing up as 20140125_WA0002.jpg)

    would anyone be able to advise what can exist the upshot hither? and if at that place is whatever solution?
    i tried to upload some of the problematic files directly from my telephone to google drive & it seems to be ok --- but there is no way i tin check every file on my phone vs harddisk to brand sure they are consistent.

    appreciate if anyone can help on this.

    this is a known whatsapp issue, i have encountered this problem too. unfortunately for me since i like saving chat history this is what i practice: send all the images from whatsapp folder (sent folder too) to my email address and so download them to my computer.

    it will take a while especially if you have over 1k pictures like i exercise. sad :<

    03-01-2015 12:15 PM

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